The Independent Advisor's
Succession Plan
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Nobody likes to think about dying prematurely. It’s never a pleasant thought, no matter how you frame it, but it is something that business owners shouldn’t put off planning for, or sweep under the rug altogether. Much is at stake, not only for you but also for your family, your company, the people…(Read More)

Statistically, more than 75 percent of family-run businesses don’t survive the second generation. That’s an eye-opening fact and one that can be difficult to swallow. Where the CEO of a publically traded company is at the helm for an average of six years, CEOs of family businesses hold their position for…(Read More)

Succession planning is a rather large undertaking, and getting started can be overwhelming. You might not know where or how to start, and that could stop you from getting started in the first place. Breaking down some of the most-asked questions about succession planning can get the ball rolling, so here at advisorRETIRE™, we…(Read More)

As a financial advisor, you have been looking forward to retirement for your whole career, not necessarily because you want to leave the field, but because you have been planning it for years. It is a huge life transition, and you are probably taking many steps in an effort to be the most prepared. In…(Read More)

As a financial advisor, you have probably been saving for your retirement for a long time, and if you have started the succession planning process, you are in an excellent place to retire as planned. However, the same cannot be said for all of your clients. One of the most difficult parts of being a…(Read More)

At advisorRETIRE™, because we help so many financial advisors prepare their business for their retirement through RIA succession planning, we have become intimately familiar with many financial aspects of retirement. Many people save all their lives for retirement, then think that the financial planning aspect is over once they have stopped working. However, life does…(Read More)

Estate planning is essential for anyone who plans to leave assets to their family, friends, or charity after they pass away. While many people prefer to avoid thinking about estate planning in fear of death, just like a succession plan, it is best to think about your plans now than deal with the consequences in…(Read More)

When you are planning your retirement, it is highly likely that Social Security benefits will play a central role in your plans. Unfortunately, many retirees make mistakes with their Social Security that stops them from being entitled to the amount of money that they need. Many people are unaware of how the way they are…(Read More)

When good health and financial preparation come together, retirement can last for decades. However, even in shorter retirements, there are certain stages that you can expect, and each stage requires a unique approach to budgeting. Budgeting properly is essential for retirement because, without it, you could run out of funds before the end of your…(Read More)

Many people dream of retiring early, and it isn’t hard to understand why. How could you not look forward to the free time to spend how you like, and doing so when you are young enough to enjoy your freedom for decades to come makes sense. However, early retirement is not a realistic option…(Read More)

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